
Welcome To Thori

Thori Rural Municipality, located in Nepal's Parsa district, borders Bihar, India. This diverse region blends Terai plains and hills, rich in history, culture, and tourism. Home to various communities, Thori offers a unique mix of nature, heritage, and traditions.

1. Geographical Location:

Thori Rural Municipality is located in Province No. 2 of Nepal, in the Parsa district. It is a significant border area in the southern part of Nepal, connected to the Indian state of Bihar. Geographically, Thori consists of both flat Terai land and hilly regions, making it naturally diverse. Covering an area of 128.67 square kilometers, Thori is connected to the internationally recognized Chitwan National Park and Parsa National Park. The region has abundant water sources in certain areas, making it suitable for agriculture and habitation.

2. History and Significance:

Thori holds historical, cultural, and touristic significance. In the past, it was known as a trade route connecting Nepal with India. Human settlements have existed here for centuries. Many traders from different districts used to visit Thori for business, primarily trading salt, oil, and clothing, which were transported using ox carts.

Historically, Thori is associated with several notable events:

  • It is believed to be linked to the birthplace of Lord Ram.
  • It served as an entry point for high-ranking foreign dignitaries.
  • It was a prime hunting destination for the Nepalese royal family.
  • It is the location where Nepal's iron man, Ganesh Man Singh, was captured.
  • It is also recognized as the site where Nepal’s first telephone service was initiated.

१. भौगोलिक अवस्थिति:

ठोरी गाउँपालिका नेपालको प्रदेश नं. २, पर्सा जिल्लामा अवस्थित छ। यो नेपालको दक्षिणी भागमा पर्ने एक प्रमुख सीमावर्ती क्षेत्र हो, जुन भारतको बिहार राज्यसँग जोडिएको छ। ठोरीको भूगोल समथर तराईदेखि पहाडी भेगसम्म फैलिएको छ, जसले यसलाई प्राकृतिक रूपमा विशेष बनाएको छ ! १२८.६७ बर्ग किलो मिटरमा फैलीएको ठोरी गाँउपालीका अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय रुपमा सुचीकृत चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुन्ज , पर्सा राष्ट्रीय निकुन्ज संग जोडीएको छ ! भौतगोलीक हिसाबमा उपत्यकाका रुममा रहेको ठोरी आंशींक क्षेत्रमा पानीका राम्रा श्रोतहरु छन् ।

२. इतिहास र महत्त्व:

ठोरी ऐतिहासिक, सांस्कृतिक र पर्यटकीय हिसाबले महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान हो। विगतमा यो भारतसँगको व्यापारिक मार्गको रूपमा परिचित थियो। पुराना समयदेखि नै यहाँ मानवीय बसोबास हुँदै आएको पाइन्छ । यहाँ धेरै जील्लाका मानीसहरु ब्यापार गर्नका लागी आउने गर्दथे । बिशेषगरी नुन , तेल , कपडा जस्ता धेरै बस्तुहरु यहाँबाट बिम्भीन्न जिल्लामा गोरु गाढामा यस्तै हिडेर लैजाने गर्दथे । ऐतीहासीक रुपमा भगवान रामको जन्म , उच्च पदस्थ बिदेशी पाउनाको प्रबेश द्वार , राजकिय शिकारको प्रमुख गन्तब्य , लोह पुरुष गणेशमान सिहँको प्रकाउ स्थान नेपालको पहिलो टेलीफोन सेवा सुचारु स्थल लगायत धेरै ठुलो एतीहासीक पृष्ठभूमि बोकेको छ ।

३. जनसंख्या र भाषा:

ठोरी गाँउपालीकाम अन्तीम जनगणना अनुसार २०३९७ जनसंख्या छ ! यहाँ विभिन्न जातजाति र समुदायका मानिसहरू बसोबास गर्छन्। यहाँ मुख्य रूपमा ब्राह्मण , क्षेत्री , थारु , तमाङं , गुरुङं, नेवार , लिम्बु , चेपाँग , मगर लगायत अधिकाशं जातजातीको बसोबास ठोरीमा छ ! सबै जातजातीले मातृभाषा प्रयोग गर्न सक्छन् !


Tourism Places In Thori


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Tourism place Around Thori

Thori is declared as one of the prosperous tourist areas of State -02, Nepal. Tourists visit Thori from all over Nepal, India, and other countries, which has been able to establish itself as one of the most beautiful natural tourist destinations.

The Perfect Hotel in the plain of Thori


The Perfect Hotel in the plain of Thori

Thori Jungle Resort , For the perfect escape from the chaos of the city and a step closer to nature.

Thori Rural Municipality (ठोरी गाउँपालिका)

मधेश प्रदेश, नेपाल

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